Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bittersweet weekend...

This weekend was not one of favorites, it started w/another temperature drop =(. After getting my progesterone levels (8.8) I was bummed, so by friday after 3 low temp I knew this cycle we were out.
I tried to not stay too sad and went out w/my SIL and my 3 nieces. That was nice, I guess it was the sweet part of my weekend. We went to out for a yummy brunch and then to walked around Alameda's shopping center, then went to the beach, it was about 68 and really sunny. It was cute how Miriam kept saying she wanted to build a sand castle and Nancy was playing w/her.
The bitter, bad part of my weekend happened friday night, someone really close to me said some really not nice, mean things, and let's just say that it really hurt =(...since that person did apologized, I gonna try to forgive and forget. Just hope that doesn't happen again.
I do have another good news from this weekend, though. My camera came in! Yay! now I must really learn how to use it. I'm looking forward to it, and hope I learn to take decent photos.
So, today is sunday around noon and the weather is the total opposite of what friday was, right now is raining and grey out there. I guess it kinda matches my mood, since AF decided pop her head 5 days early. Well, I just hope next week and next cycle will be better, I pray that soon we get to have our little miracle.

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