Thursday, April 28, 2011

Focus on what's good...

at least that's what I'm trying to do. Since last Friday things have been hard for me. However, I've been trying stay positive and hopeful. Although I have to admit that more than once my feelings have gone from okay to upset (not at anyone in particular, just at the whole TTC situation). I can feel hopeful at the beginning of the day, then sad and not so positive at the end...I guess knowing the IVF might be might be our only shot (at having a baby) and not being able to afford it at the moment (or any time soon) really messes me up =( I'll just keep on praying and hoping, as well as saving for our little miracle...
Now here are my cute (younger) nieces. We went to the park and it was really windy...

really windy!

1 comment:

  1. Our little loca nieces! We WILL have some money saved and we WILL do IVF. I don't care if I owe $$ for the rest of my life. This is gonna happen.
