Monday, March 1, 2010

The good and the bad

So today was my cd#13 appt. the ultrasound showed one good size follicle (19.3) and a bunch of smaller ones (9's and 10's). The dr. mentioned that if we have go into another cycle it would be better to try something else than femara. I completely agree since we noticed that my follies don't seem to be responding so well to femara as in the begining. The first 3 months I took femara I was getting 2-3 good size follicles by ovulation time, today and last cycle I only got one (that barely made it to a good size). Another reason why I may have to start on other med. is that my lining is also not responding as much to femara, today my lining was 6.3 and even thought the dr. said anything above 6 is okay, doing research it seems that above 8 is better...
After all, I'm happy we get to move on and start IUI this cycle, and hopefully tomorrow around this time, we'll be finishing the procedure. =)

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