Saturday, December 25, 2010

Goodbye 2010...

just hoping 2011 will be our year for a BFP (baby miracle)...this might be TMI, but since today I started spotting let me mention that every time I open a package of pads I hope/wish is the last one for a good 9 months. Therefore, I just keep wishing and hoping that soon it will be our turn.
Something that I realized is that in this past year (2010) I found out (without even trying) of about 10-12 pregnancies of people I know. From those pregnancies I can say for sure at least 5 were not planned (heard it from the pregnant ladies themselves) yeah, 2010 wasn't the great in the aspect.
Another thing that I'm really hoping for is that soon in the coming year J can find a stable job...really, it about time for that too!
So since I don't want to complain anymore and yes I know the year could have been worse, I'm done with this post, bye!

1 comment:

  1. It's about time that asshat J got a damn job, huh? But I know he's busting ass trying. Have faith in the boy!
