Wednesday, February 17, 2010

And another cycle begins...

So AF came today and yes I was disappointed, but not surprised. With that, month 17/cycle 16 begins. This cycle (hopefully and looking forward) we'll be doing IUI. I'm requesting to have my cycle monitored by a different dr. this time since last time the other dr. neglected/miscalculated my ovulation day and because of that we had to cancel the IUI. She even made it seem like it was my fault, which added to my disappointment =( . Every cycle I hope and pray that it is The One, but that same time I try not to get my hopes too high up cause then it hurts more when AF gets here. However, if we get to do the IUI I know automatically my hopes will get higher.
One thing that I'm happy or rather thankful for is that I've been ovulating ever since taking Femara (5 cycles), that being said it's a bit worrying because I thought once I was able to ovulate I would eventually get pg (just hope and pray nothing else is wrong)...ugh...fertilily problems sux! I know I have to stay positive and I DO try, but that doesn't change the fact that it sux.

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