I was planning to blog at least twice this month, but here I'm now 'til the end of the month. Hopefully I'll blog twice at least in one of the remaining moths of the year, we'll see.
It's finally Fall! although the weather here has been more hot than cool. This past month has been in the 80-90's (almost every day) =( too hot for my liking. Hopefully the next weeks will actually bring some Fall weather 50-60's would be nice, some rain too. Not much going on, but looking forward to my week off the 1st week of October, ever since we got married I've been taking the week of our anniversary off.
This year we were supposed to go to Disneyland and I was really looking forward to it. The last time we went out of town together was since 2009 to celebrate our 2nd yr anniversary. So like I was really excited about this trip, especially to leave together, but after doing math and actually trying to book the hotel and plane tickets it was going to be about $500 dollars over budget...which to some people it might not be much, but in our case it was. So my husband decided it was better to save the money...just hope we do go next year.
Since the Disney trip was canceled I decide to go to see The lion king Broadway show. I had wanted to go see it since last time they came about 3 years ago so I'm glad I got to go this time. Took one of my nieces and to me it was a great show, I definitely recommend it =)
Here is the month in photos (phone):

Us being silly

Rojo trying to keep cool, it was in the 90's

Be back next month w/more photos.