Just finished doing a 30 min workout and it gave me a good sweat =). My goal is to lose 30 lbs by the end of June so I have over 4 months to do that. I just started to exercise last week, my plan is to exercise 3 x's a wk for 30mins for this month, then 4 x's a wk starting next month. I still need to eat healthier and I admit I have many temptations =(
I really want to be 10lbs less by the time I go back to the RE and restart treatment. I know that losing weight can help me/us increase the chances for a baby and yes, that's one of my top motives to lose weight (most likely it is the top one).
These past days I've been feeling down. Yesterday another co-worker mentioned that she was pregnant (3 this year so far) almost 5 months. She also mentioned that this will be her 5th child and after this one is born, she'll have 3 under 3. Best part is she claims she had the IUD (form of birth control)!...After that I felt miserable and as infertile as possible for the rest of the day =(. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate women that have no trouble conceiving, I just hate the fact that after 2+ years and fertility treatment we don't have a little one of our own.
For now I'm trying to remain POSITIVE. Will try to LOSE WEIGHT/be healthier. And to learn/practice and enjoy photography.
And because I know this post is kinda depressing: here's my cute niece (Mimi)