today was definitely not a good day. First, a co-worker mentioned that she thought I didn't like kids because I don't have any. Well, excuse now a days not having a child = not liking kids? Seriously, sometimes it amazes me how people can open their mouths w/out thinking. And what do you said to a comment like that? I mean, I could have said that after over 2 years of trying we still not giving up. I could have added about the 4 failed IUI's share my experience of how I can inject myself in the stomach, plus recommend which way is easier to insert a vaginal progesterone suppository. Maybe add about the joys of getting a negative every month, but no. I just said, I do like kids, it just hasn't happen yet...
To add to my joyous day, a FB friend announced her pregnancy, good for her, really, I just wish I had not seen that today.
Maybe I'm just becoming bitter, but w/every month it doesn't get's the opposite. FUIF!