Aug. 2008 * Took last pack of BCP (pill)
Sep. 2008 * Officially started TTC
Feb. 2009 * Started chartting
June 2009 * Went to see GYN after 4 months of annovolation (not ovulating)
Jul. 2009 * GYN referred me to the RE/ First RE appt.
Aug. 2009 * Started Clomid
Sept.2009 * Got big cyst from Clomid/ Had a cyst aspiration/ 1 year TTC anniversary
Nov. 2009 * Started Femara and TI (timed intercourse)
Mar. 2010 * IUI#1 using Femara+ Ovidrel (after 4 cycles of Femara and TI)
Apr. 2010 * IUI#2 using Bravelle+ Ovidrel (injectables)
May 2010 * Forced break due to cysts
June 2010 * IUI#3 cancelled due to poor follicle responce (used Bravelle+ Ovidrel)
Aug. 2010 * IUI#3 using Bravelle+ Ovidrel (increased dose)
Sep. 2010 * Another forced break due to cysts/ 2nd year TTC anniversary =(
Oct. 2010 * IUI#4 on Bravelle+Citrotide+Ovidrel+Prometrium
Nov. 2010 * Taking a voluntary TTC break to give body, mind and heart a break.
Still hoping and praying that one day we'll have our baby!